Saturday, June 15, 2024

welcome to my music blog! ฅ^ >ヮ<^₎


 hi! my name is monstii, and i love music, art, and the world in general. i am an aspiring music composer and and overall music enjoy-er. however, i feel like a whole lot of the music i like a lot is greatly underappreciated, and i think that sharing it with people is a pretty funky idea. so, if you like kinda obscure music, make sure to tune in once and a while! ദ്ദി(• ˕ •マ.ᐟ

honestly, i am not the most online person to ever exist, so i wont be posting everyday. maybe a few times a week? who knows. spontaneity is the spice of life! however, there is a few types of posts i am planning on  probably doing:

artist spotlight: posts about certain music people i think derserve more attention.

album spotlight: posts about albums i like.

song spotlight: posts about songs i like and think derserve more attention.

and lastly one kinda weird one:

carnation posting: (dun dun) Carnation, the japanese band consisting of Masahiro Naoe and Yuzuru Ohta, founded in 1983, who have been goin strong for 40 great years, is my favorite band of all time. i could honestly go on for hours and hours and info dump a whole book worth of information about them, so this kind of deserves it own category that a mixture of the previous three and then some. however, i will hold back some as to not over-saturate your feed with carnation info! ദ്ദി ˉ꒳ˉ )✧

i'll also do some other miscellaneous posts who knows ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

i should also probably add: as i said before, i am not online all the time, so i am a tiny bit of out of the loop with whats considered "obscure" and "mainstream". sometimes i accidentally delude myself into thinking something is more popular than it actually is (´∀`;) so i will elaborate on things i maybe make too cryptic if anyone so pleases.

i think i've gone over everything i want to go over... a bit off topic, but honestly starting a blog in 2024 is kinda weird (-‿-") no one really uses blogs anymore, do they? the other day i saw a lolita fashion blog that was updated really recently and it surprised me a bit. maybe people who still maintain blogs just want to talk about thing they are interested in like me? honestly theres honestly no other way i feel like i can properly speak about things i like with other online social platforms... things like reddit or twitter have too many people (or are just toxic lol) and platforms like insta or youtube have too many restrictions. i've tried maintaining a neocities page but the HTML learning curve was too much for me, and i accidentally locked myself out of my account trying to delete it... (╥﹏╥) but with a blog only really people who are interested will keep up with you and stuff... idk, im just rambling lol ꒰ᐢ.   ̫ .ᐢ꒱ 

to conclude before this gets too lengthy, im pretty excited to share my music taste with the interwebs! i'll leave you your first music recommendation on the house: いつかここで会いましょう by Carnation!

keep on rockin in the free world, rock on chicago, rock over london and all that, make sure to have a good day, okay? 

monstii signing off.

⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆


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artist spotlight - smart (sm:art)

 ⋆˚✿˖° ๋࣭ ⭑⚝ link to their 1st album  (smart) link to their 2nd album  (zai phon) link to 1st album on discogs (has cd liner notes and full ...

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